
Month: February 2021

Feb 19

The Acceptance of Women and Their Roles in The Society

gender equality Women have always been the topic of discussion whenever the aspect of gender equality arises. That’s because they have been suffering at the hands of outdated mistaken beliefs since time memorial. For example, Syria believes that women’s voices should not be heard. They are cut-off from any form of decision making, altogether undermining them as crucial members of society.

For a long time, women have experienced different forms of discrimination both at their workplace and home. They are also the primary victims of gender violence and sexual abuse. But the world is changing, and most people are beginning to understand, let alone acknowledge, the meaning of women’s rights and why it is crucial now and for many generations to come.

So far, several countries are working towards achieving gender equality and ensuring women’s rights are observed. But are they succeeding? Yes, and to prove that, here are some of the things that show women’s acceptance and their roles in society.

The Extension of Statutory Maternity Leaves in Some Countries

In 2020, the legislative council of Hong Kong approved the extension of maternity leave for women to 14 weeks as opposed to the previous 10 weeks. The step is meant to give women more time to prepare mentally, emotionally, and physically before going back to their place of work. The trend is picking, with the following countries ranking best in providing the most paid maternity leaves.

  • The Czech Republic.
  • Italy.
  • Hungary.
  • Sweden.
  • Norway.
  • Romania.
  • Spain.

Ensuring Gender Fairness in Employment

Gender inequality in employment is one reason why a majority of the world’s poor are women. Usually, working women are underpaid and undervalued. They are also denied resources and equal opportunities in the workplace. Fortunately, there has been a massive transition over the past few years. According to a 2019 report, only six countries have achieved ultimate gender equality in workplaces. These nations include Belgium, Latvia, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, and Sweden. Other countries like Canada are also on the verge of achieving the milestone.

Banning of Child Marriages

Child marriage impedes women from having a bright future. The act has seen more females lose their opportunities to learn as they take on parental responsibilities. But thanks to civilization, the number of females getting married at a young age continues to decline daily. Also, in places like Norway, child marriages are illegal, courtesy of the Ministry of Children and Family.

While some areas remain adamant about abolishing the act, international bodies like United Nations are doing everything possible to make sure every state illegalizes the activity by 2030.

Empowering of Women Education

There are so many ways women are being empowered in modern society. One of the common methods includes allowing equal education opportunities to all girls worldwide. The idea helps females gather adequate knowledge and skills needed to help them sustain themselves in the future. It is also crucial in creating future leaders, not to mention bridging the gap between male and female specialists in workplaces. There are still places like South Sudan where a considerable percentage of girls don’t go to school. But with upcoming reforms and guided talks, such nations may have more females getting a formal education.

Curbing Gender Violence

Gender violence is an international pandemic known to affect one out of three females. The ferocity towards girls has seen them not only live fearful lives but also lose their self-esteem.

That’s why organizations like the UN and World Bank are working round the clock to establish frameworks that will end or reduce gender-based violence, commonly known as GBV, to a significant level. The main focus is on minimizing domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and sexual violence towards women regardless of race and age. Girls are also being encouraged to speak up about any form of violence they experience. That is to expose the culprits and encourage other women to do the same.

Increase in the Number of Women in Leadership Positions

The number of women in top positions in companies and organizations continues to rise drastically. That’s because people are beginning to understand the capabilities of women. The fact that females are empathic and good communicators makes them great leaders, and that’s what top corporates need to excel. Another crucial aspect showing women’s acceptance and their roles in society is their continued recognition in top parliamentary positions. For example, Cuba has the majority number of females in parliament worldwide. They occupy a bigger percentage than men. Other nations trying to break the barrier and ensure women’s rights are observed in leadership positions include Bolivia and Mexico.

Despite the numerous advancements seen in ensuring women’s empowerment in different spheres, there is still more work to be done. So far, the mission is to make sure that women receive equal treatment in the future, irrespective of their age and race. However, that will only be possible if individuals come together and raise awareness on the subject. Thanks to global organizations’ efforts, many nations are restructuring their constitutions and amending their human rights to suit both genders.