
Quality of Work Life at a Casino


Casino QualityThe casino industry is a service industry and like all service industries, it is trying to sell you a service that is of high quality and one that brings entertainment and satisfaction. However, one aspect that is rarely talked about is the view from the other side – what we are referring to here is the perspective of the employees on the other end of the service. These are your friendly dealers, who are patient with you, take your bets, and follow your game for as long as you want. A recent article published by recently released a publication on working at a casino in the context of quality of work life (QWL). QWL is important in all careers, not just in casinos. However, decided to explore this topic within the context of casinos as this subject has remained ‘untouched’. We will explore four areas of QWL being related to human resources policies, work-group relationship, job characteristics, and the physical working environment. The study interviewed 40 employees and their answers are collated in a brief summary below.

Regarding the first area of QWL – human resources policies – employees stated that they would like to receive adequate and fair pay, fringe benefits, as well as rewards and incentives. They also indicated that they would like fair and clear promotion criteria as well as career advancement opportunities. In addition to this, they sought on-the-job training as well as staff activities which would improve cooperation and teamwork.

The second area of QWL – work-group relationship focused on cooperation as the main facet involved. Here, casino employees are seeking cooperation with their management in carrying out their activities. Respect and recognition were other factors identified under this category, as was care and support. Employees also indicated that they sought adequate supervision and importantly, open channels of communication.

The third area of QWL – job characteristics dealt with the fact that employees sought more rest time and regular shift work. The pressure of working at a casino is high and the demands of the job are great. Often, very long hours are put in by employees, which means they often end up being exhausted. A call for regular shift work is, therefore, an important concern that they raised.

The final attribute of QWL relates to the physical working environment. Here, employees expressed the need to choose their work area as some form of being autonomous would help them in carrying out their functions better. The second aspect of consideration under this sub-heading of QWL related to better rest areas. This refers to the physical environment for employees when taking breaks. They obviously do not have great access to a quality physical environment and providing access to such would help in ensuring better QWL.

If you’re interested in working in the casino industry, there are several requirements you need to fulfil. First of all, you must be either 18 or 21 years old (depending on your state and country). Casinos also require a minimum of a high school education and they will also put you through a background check as a result of the large amounts of money being handled at casinos. Finally, you need to obtain a gaming license, which will entail the filling out of forms, payment of fees, and the completion of an application form.

The working environment in a casino can be very high-stress at times due to the fast-paced nature of the work. Although this might be suitable for some candidates, not everyone thrives under this environment. You should also consider the fact that casinos are very noisy and that you’re likely to be exposed to second-hand smoke. Moreover, the work can be physically demanding, and you should also remember that employees will work nights, weekends, as well as holidays. If you feel that you’re ready to tackle these challenges head on, then this type of job is right for you!