
Welcome to APA Division 44: The Podium to Speak Out About Gender Equality at the Casino!


Welcome to my blog!

Inequality between gendersI am starting a little project that will focus on the topic of gender equality in the casino industry – or more likely gender (in)equality! This question has been smouldering for quite a while now, and people can finally see the smoke rising.

Gambling is one of the most controversial forms of entertainment on the planet but disapproving of it will not make it go away. Men – and women! – all over the world love the excitement of casino games. Some do it responsibly, others – not so much. However, you should look beyond the fun aspects of gambling, as it is also a growing industry, especially with the advent of online casino that can easily be accessed through your PC. There are many people working in casinos to provide is with good times, but there are also pro players that make their livelihood from pro tournaments in different games.

These are the two aspects of gender inequality in the casino industry that I would like to focus on. As a female poker player, and later on a croupier, I’ve been on both sides of the barricade. If you intend to follow the discussions on this blog with the hope of hearing me slag off casinos and spout general feministic mottos, then perhaps you should look elsewhere – I will aim at giving a balanced look on the matter, and there are a lot of positive trends to speak about.

For the average gambling fan, the most that they would hear would be about the huge disparity in the number of male and female pro gambling players. The best players and the richest punters you would hear about are all male – but this doesn’t mean that the gambling industry is closed for the playing woman! In fact, the number of competing women seems to be increasing.

Sadly, things are not the same on a professional level for those that are interested in climbing up the casino hierarchy – and we’ll be discussing that too.
